How do I assign a role to a particular user using the Azure portal

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I am an amateur in Azure. I want to assign a role to a specific user giving a few permissions. Is it possible to use Azure RBAC using the portal?
Dec 27, 2019 in Azure by Sam
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Follow these steps to assign a role at different scopes.

  1. In the Azure portal, click All services and then select the scope. For example, you can select Management groups, Subscriptions, Resource groups, or a resource.

  2. Click the specific resource.

  3. Click Access control (IAM).

  4. Click the Role assignments tab to view all the role assignments at this scope.

  5. Click Add > Add role assignment to open the Add role assignment pane.

    If you don't have permissions to assign roles, the Add role assignment option will be disabled.

  6. In the Role drop-down list, select a role such as Virtual Machine Contributor.

  7. In the Select list, select a user, group, service principal, or managed identity. If you don't see the security principal in the list, you can type in the Select box to search the directory for display names, email addresses, and object identifiers.

  8. Click Save to assign the role.

    After a few moments, the security principal is assigned the role at the selected scope.

answered Dec 27, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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