Autowired field pointing NULL in Spring

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Making @Service class in spring framework that has an @Autowired field which is pointing to NULL POINTER Exception while running. Any solution how to make field autowired in Spring??
Jun 6, 2018 in Java by mitto
• 160 points

1 answer to this question.

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The field annotated @Autowired is null because Spring doesn't know about the copy of MileageFeeCalculator that you created with new and didn't know to autowire it.

The Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) container has three main logical components: a registry (called the ApplicationContext) of components (beans) that are available to be used by the application, a configurer system that injects objects' dependencies into them by matching up the dependencies with beans in the context, and a dependency solver that can look at a configuration of many different beans and determine how to instantiate and configure them in the necessary order.

The IoC container isn't magic, and it has no way of knowing about Java objects unless you somehow inform it of them. When you call new, the JVM instantiates a copy of the new object and hands it straight to you--it never goes through the configuration process. There are three ways that you can get your beans configured.

Check this sample example

public class MileageFeeController {

    private MileageFeeCalculator calc;

    public float mileageFee(@PathVariable int miles) {
        return calc.mileageCharge(miles);

That should do your job!

Enroll in Spring Framework Course online to learn more about it.


answered Jun 6, 2018 by Avi
• 160 points

edited Mar 4, 2022 by Sarfaraz

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