Puppet in Docker Benefit of using puppet in docker

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What's the point of using Puppet in docker? What scenarios does this combination help in?
Aug 19, 2019 in Puppet by Divya

1 answer to this question.

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Here's to how this approach proves beneficial:

  • One definite benefit would be "Portability".

  • You could probably manage containers the same way you manage physical and cloud servers.

  • Perhaps you might be opting for containers to speed software deployment, or to quickly scale your capacity. How do I ensure all my containers are updated and secure?

  • Using Docker containers and Puppet together, you can make sure everything in your containers is configured the way it should be.

  • You can use Puppet to automate building Docker images, and to manage the schedulers you use to run containers (for example, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes or Mesos). 

  • And of course, Puppet can manage the cloud VMs you run your containers on, too.

  • Puppet in Docker approach has a very little infrastructure or overhead. 

  • Instead of building out a full virtual machine and setting it up as a Puppet node, you can use a straightforward Docker command to see how Puppet would make a change or apply some action. 

  • It’s fast and you can quickly see your workflows in action. 

  • If something breaks, you can just remove the containers and start over.

  • Puppet in Docker is actually a easier way for development and testing rather than having to focus on infrastructure setup. This combo of Puppet and Docker gives you new and powerful ways to expand your development environment. 

  • Instead of deploying one Puppet node at a time, you can use simple Docker commands to do the work for you. 

  • That means you can spend less time building the platform, and more time developing and testing

  • And because these environments are up and running in minutes, you can deploy as many as you want almost anywhere you want — and easily start over with a clean install every time.

answered Aug 19, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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