Error PuppetDB is running but Puppet Master can t reach it

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I have installed a PuppetDB and connected Puppet Master( which is a linux node) with it. I have followed the same steps as in the puppet docs. On checking the PuppetDB logs, i found that PuppetDB is running but my Puppet Master can't reach it. How do i troubleshoot this issue?
Jul 31, 2019 in Puppet by Vicky

edited Jul 31, 2019 1,153 views

1 answer to this question.

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  • If PuppetDB is running but the Puppet master can’t reach it, check PuppetDB's jetty configuration to see which port(s) it is listening on.

  • Then attempt to reach it by Telnet from the Puppet master server. 

telnet <HOST> <PORT>
  • If you can’t connect, the firewall may be blocking connections.

  • If you can, Puppet may be attempting to use the wrong port, or PuppetDB’s keystore may be misconfigured.

  • Check whether any other service is using PuppetDB’s port and interfering with traffic.

  • Check PuppetDB's jetty configuration and the /etc/puppetlabs/puppetdb/ssldirectory, and make sure it has the necesary SSL files created. 

  • If it didn’t create these during installation, you will need to run the SSL config script and edit the config file before a puppet master can contact PuppetDB.

answered Jul 31, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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