How to change the jenkins job status manually user interaction

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I have 7 freestyle jobs (A,B,C,D,E,F,G) in Pipeline, job A initial job, after A, we have three parallel test jobs (B,C,D). Job E is the report generation job, here we need to implement user interaction for Pipeline will continue or not?.

Conditions at Job E: 1) If Job E is successful, Pipeline will continue to Release 2) if Job E is Failed, Pipeline should be stop here. 3) if Job E is Unstable, here we need to implement user interaction. In user interaction, user need to change the Job E UNSTABLE status to either success or failure.

Eg:- If job E UNSTABLE, in user interaction. user click on proceed, job E changes unstable to SUCCESS user click on NO, job E changes unstable to failure.

Jul 24, 2019 in Jenkins by Veeranji
• 130 points

In case you are referring to manually promote a build, you could use the  "Promoted Builds Plugin" in jenkins. This plugin allows you to distinguish good builds from bad builds by introducing the notion of 'promotion' and then you could configure your next jenkins job in the pipeline based on this.Do have a look at 

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