How can we retrieve get complete HQL hive query from hive spark and tez

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Hi team,

I want to know that if I have an application id and I want to check what hive query was executed for that particular application id so how I find that hive query using Hive, Tez view, and spark.

Is there anything we can know what would be the hql for a particular app id? I know we can see this from the resource manager. but it does not show the complete query, It just shows some part of it. If you have any information on this.pls provide me with the examples.
Jul 23, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Karan

1 answer to this question.

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To get full query running for the applicationid goto TEZ ui from ambari(there you can see query history)

Steps go to tez view via ambari:-

1) From the Ambari home page, hover over the top right corner, and select "Tez View"

2) Next, you can either search by application ID or the hive query itself to find your application.

3) Select your application - the entire hive query should be displayed here and also you can see the status of the query.

(or) from hiveserver2.log
answered Jul 23, 2019 by Lohit

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