How to restart failed Namenode

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I have created a hadoop cluster with shared storage for having HA following edureka article in

I noticed that Namenode on one of the host failed and the other namenode became active. So currently it's running only one namenode. There are no bad blocks or loss of data. How do I restart the namenode failed on the host in standby mode without losing any data? Any backup steps need to be followed to be safe before proceeding further?

Jul 23, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Karan

1 answer to this question.

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You need to solve the issue which caused your active name node to stop. Once that is done please run the command 

hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby

 on the NameNode still down, then turn in on again. This node becomes Standby NameNode

Please follow the below steps:

Copy the HDFS Metadata from active name node to standby namenode.


hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby

Copy the HDFS Meta data from Active name node to Standby Name node

Copy the HDFS Metadata from Active name node to Standby Namenode. Once you run this command, you will get the information from which node and location the metadata is copying and whether it is copying successfully or not.

Information of Active namenode details

Information on Active namenode details.

Once Metadata is copied from Active namenode to standby namenode, you will get the message shown below in the screenshot.

Information regarding HDFS in Standby Name node

Information regarding HDFS in Standby Namenode.

Start the namenode daemon in Standby namenode machine.

Command start namenode

Now the name node which was down will become passive name node.

answered Jul 23, 2019 by Ishan

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