do rolling updates declared with a deployment take effect if i manually delete pods of the replica set with kubectl delete pods

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do rolling updates declared with a deployment take effect if i manually delete pods of the replica set with kubectl delete pods or with the dashboard? Will the minimum required no of pods be maintained?
Jul 19, 2019 in Kubernetes by Jenny

1 answer to this question.

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  • Yes, the scheduler will make sure (as long as you have the correct resources) that the number of desired pods are met. 

  • If you delete a pod, it will recreate it. 

  • Also deleting a service won't delete the Replica set. if you remove Service or deployment you want to remove all resources which Service created.

  •  Also having a single replica for a deployment is usually not recommended because you cannot scale out and are treating in a specific way

  • Any app should be `Ingress` -> `Service` -> `Deployment` -> (volume mount or 3rd-party cloud storage)

  • You can skip ingress and just have `LoadBalancer (service)` -> `Deployment` (or Pod but they don't auto restart, deployments do)

answered Jul 19, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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