having a pod with two containers can i ping each other using the container name

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How can the conatiners in a kubernetes pod ping each other? Can I do it using the container name?
Jul 19, 2019 in Kubernetes by Amy

1 answer to this question.

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  • Containers on same pod act as if they are on the same machine. 

  • You can ping them using localhost:port itself.

  •  Every container in a pod shares the same IP. You can `ping localhost` inside a pod. 

  • Two containers in the same pod share an IP and a network namespace and They are both localhost to each other. 

  • Discovery works like this: 

  • Component A's pods -> Service Of Component B -> Component B's pods and Services have domain names servicename.namespace.svc.cluster.local, the dns search path of pods by default includes that stuff, so a pod in namespace Foo can find a Service bar in same namespace Foo by connecting to `bar`​.

answered Jul 19, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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