Does the container restart whenever a secret object is updated kubectl apply -f mysecret yml

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Does the container restart whenever a secret object is updated (kubectl apply -f mysecret.yml)? If not how is the new password applied to the database?
Jul 18, 2019 in Kubernetes by Liana

1 answer to this question.

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  • If you are mounting the secret as a volume into your pod, when the secret is updated the content will be updated in your pod, without the pod restarting. 

  • It's up to your application to detect that change and reload, or to write your own logic that rolls the pods if the secret changes.

  • volumeMount controls what part of the secret volume is mounted into a particular container (defaults to the root, containing all those files, but can point to a specific file using `subPath`), and where in the container it should be mounted with `mountPath`.

  • Example spec :

- readOnly: true
mountPath: /certs/server
name: my-new-server-cert
- name: server-cert
secretName: mysecret
  • Also, it depends on how the secret is consumed by a container. 

  • If env vars, then no. If a volumeMount, then the file is updated in the container ready to be consumed by the service but it needs to reload the file. 

  • The container does not restart. if the secret is mounted as a volume it is updated dynamically. 

  • if it is an environment variable it stays as the old value until the container is restarted

answered Jul 18, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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