Connect 2 pods

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I have two Kubernetes-pods one is an application pod and another one is a database pod. How can i connect my application pod with the database pod?
Jul 18, 2019 in Kubernetes by Sam
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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  • You can connect those two pods by using a service object. 

  • The reason being, if the database pod goes away, it's going to come up with a different name and IP address, which means the connection string would need to be updated every time, managing that is difficult. 

  • The service proxies traffic to pods and it also helps in load balancing of traffic if you have multiple pods to talk to. 

  • It has its own IP and as long as service exists pod referencing this service in upstream will work and if the pods behind the service are not running, a pod will not see that and will try to forward the traffic but it will return a 502 bad gateway.

  • So just define the Service and then bring up your Pods with the proper label so the Service will pick them up.

answered Jul 18, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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