How to replace negative numbers in Pandas Data Frame by zero

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Is there any way to replace all DataFrame negative numbers by zeros?
Jul 8, 2019 in Python by ana1504.k
• 7,910 points

3 answers to this question.

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If all your columns are numeric, you can use boolean indexing:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, -1, 2], 'b': [-3, 2, 1]})

In [3]: df
   a  b
0  0 -3
1 -1  2
2  2  1

In [4]: df[df < 0] = 0

In [5]: df
   a  b
0  0  0
1  0  2
2  2  1

For the more general case, this shows the private method _get_numeric_data:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, -1, 2], 'b': [-3, 2, 1],
                           'c': ['foo', 'goo', 'bar']})

In [3]: df
   a  b    c
0  0 -3  foo
1 -1  2  goo
2  2  1  bar

In [4]: num = df._get_numeric_data()

In [5]: num[num < 0] = 0

In [6]: df
   a  b    c
0  0  0  foo
1  0  2  goo
2  2  1  bar
answered Jul 8, 2019 by SDeb
• 13,300 points
0 votes


  • Import pandas module.
  • Create a Dataframe.
  • Check the DataFrame element is less than zero, if yes then assign zero in this element.
  • Display the final DataFrame

 First, let’s create the dataframe.

  • Python3
# importing pandas module

import pandas as pd

  # Creating pandas DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6],

                   "B": [3, -5, -6, 7, 3, -2],

                   "C": [-4, 5, 6, -7, 5, 4],

                   "D": [34, 5, 32, -3, -56, -54]})


# Displaying the original DataFrame

print("Original Array : ")


Output :


answered Dec 16, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
0 votes

 If all your columns are numeric, you can use boolean indexing: In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, -1, 2], 'b': [-3, 2, 1]})  For the more general case, this shows the private method _get_numeric_data: In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, -1, 2], 'b': [-3, 2, 1], 'c': ['foo', 'goo', 'bar']}) In [3]: df Out[3]: a b c 0 0 -3 foo 1 -1 2 goo 2 2 1 bar In [4]: num = df._get_numeric_data() In [5]: num[num < 0] = 0 In [6]: df Out[6]: a b c 0 0 0 foo 1 0 2 goo 2 2 1 bar

answered Dec 16, 2020 by Rajiv
• 8,870 points

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