Does stopping and terminating instances have same effect in AWS

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I am running my web-application on a EC2 linux instance, I want to stop my instance for a while and use it later again to continue my work. But it was showing me 2 options Terminate and Stop. Do they both mean the?
May 27, 2019 in AWS by code_ninja
• 6,300 points

retagged May 27, 2019 by code_ninja 799 views

1 answer to this question.

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AWS is a web service provider which offers a set of services related to compute, storage, database, network, security and many more to help business scale and grow

  • EC2 is one of the service offered by amazon where you can host your websites or applications ( basically it is like a server)
  • These EC2 instances are charged only for the duration they are being used, so for effective usage of resource and save money, it is essential to either stop or terminate the instance after your use
  • Stopping an instance and terminating an instance is not same, they both have different meaning
  • In case you want to resume your work after some time you can use the option STOP
  • But if you no longer need the instance then you can use the option TERMINATE. After terminating the instance you cannot start or get back the same instance

To get familiar with other features of EC2 you can check this link:

I hope this cleared your doubt :)

Get your AWS Certification today to learn more about AWS instances.


answered May 27, 2019 by ArchanaNagur
• 2,360 points

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