Amazon SES Email address is not verified

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I'm starting with the amazon servers and started studying about SES. I am using C # and made ​​my code based tutorials. I already checked the domain and also checked the emails in which I will run the test.

So that when I run my code it generates the following error message: Transaction failed. The server response was: Message rejected: Email address is not verified.

I do not know what it is because I followed all possible steps, single detail is not yet ordered the release of access to production.

But I think it can not be, I'm still testing the service.

My Code

public void enviarSES02()
                const String FROM = "verified email address"; 
                const String TO = "verified email address"; 

                const String SUBJECT = "Amazon SES test (SMTP interface accessed using C#)";
                const String BODY = "This email was sent through the Amazon SES SMTP interface by using C#.";

                const String SMTP_USERNAME = "my username";  // Replace with your SMTP username. 
                const String SMTP_PASSWORD = "my password";  // Replace with your SMTP password.

                const String HOST = "";

                const int PORT = 25;//already tried with all recommended ports

                SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(HOST, PORT);
                client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD);

                client.EnableSsl = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("Attempting to send an email through the Amazon SES SMTP interface...");
                    client.Send(FROM, TO, SUBJECT, BODY);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Response.Write("<br>O e-mail não foi enviado.<br>");
                    Response.Write("Olhao erro: " + ex.Message);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Write("Error message: " + ex.Message);


May 16, 2019 in AWS by Atul
• 10,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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  • Amazon SES is a service by which you can used to send email in bulk amount within fraction of seconds.
  • Coming to your concern, your  trying to send emails via us-west-2. Have you requested production access in that region, and is your From address verified? Production access for Amazon SES is region-independent and you need to request it separately for each region.
  • At times when you don't have production access, you should verfy both sender and receivers addresses. The Amazon SES console will list your verified email address and mail domains for us-west-2. 
  • A quick way confirm production access: log in to the Amazon SES console and it will display a blue banner with the following text at the top of the page with a button to request production access:

Your Amazon SES account has "sandbox" access in region US West (Oregon). With sandbox access you can only send email to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator and to email addresses or domains that you have verified.

answered May 16, 2019 by ArchanaNagur
• 2,360 points

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