Can Kubernetes dashboard be accessible from outside the cluster

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Suppose, I have three node cluster, one master and two nodes. I've deployed a Kubernetes dashboard on my master.

Is it possible to access it from the two worker nodes? If yes, How?

Also, Can I access it from outside the cluster, i.e. from neither of these cluster nodes(from a remote system)?
Apr 30, 2019 in Kubernetes by Vijay

1 answer to this question.

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Yes, you just have to copy the keys <.config> file to the machine from which you want to access the master or your worker node. If .config directory isn't there then just create it and copy all the contents. Also you need to install kubernetes to the machine in order to run the commands.
answered Apr 30, 2019 by Himanshu Sharma
"need to install Kubernetes"? Will just kubectl be enough?

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