Can I create a custom reusable package or library in UiPath studio

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I want to know whether is it possible to create a custom reusable package or library in UiPath studio. Any suggestions please?
Mar 25, 2019 in RPA by Deepti
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Hi @Deepti, UiPath provides an option of Creating a Library by using which you can create any custom reusable package or component activities. A Library is a package which contains multiple reusable components. Libraries are saved as .nupkg files and can be installed as dependencies to workflows using the Package Manager. To create a Library, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Library project by click on Library from Start menu. This opens the New Blank Library window.Fill in the name and description for the library. The default location is C:\Users\<current_user>\Documents\UiPath. 

  2. The Project Panel displays the tree view with the Project folder, Dependencies and the NewActivity.xaml which contains the actual workflow. Create whatever workflow or components you want to reuse in this file.

  3. Now to Publish this Library, select Publish from Design tab. In the Publish Location category, set the library to be published to Orchestrator, a custom NuGet feed or on the local machine. Type in the Release Notes and add a New Version number or leave the automatically generated one.

  4. Click Publish. The entire project folder is archived into a .nupkg file, and uploaded to Orchestrator, the custom NuGet feed or saved in the local directory.
answered Mar 25, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

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