Unable to login to automation anywhere client

0 votes

I am facing trouble logging in to automation anywhere client. A dialog box opens which says ensure that AAClientService is running, i am not able to fix this and i need help.

Mar 14, 2019 in RPA by shubham
• 7,340 points
After june 1 i cannot even login to the AAEC desktop application ......it says make sure the server is up and running eventhough i got logged to the url in my chrome....what should i do....i cannot even create bot...help me please

contact me@9080839735(whatsapp)

mail: karthiksurya611@gmail.com
Hey @Karthik, have you tried iffath's solution?

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Many people have been facing this issue after the community version release of Automation Anywhere.

There is no need to worry. You can solve this issue in no time.

Press Ctrl+R to open the Run window and just type services.msc and from the list of services mentioned, search for Automation Anywhere Client service.

In the status column, check if the service is running if it is not then just right click and click on the start option.

This will just take a few seconds to start the service and if you see the running status then you are good to go.

Become an Automation Anywhere expert. Enroll in Automation Anywhere Certification Course today!

answered Mar 14, 2019 by Iffath
• 1,180 points

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