Difference between puppet puppet master and puppet server

+1 vote
What is the difference between puppet, puppet master and puppet server? They all seem the same to me.
Mar 12, 2019 in Puppet by Neha

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

Hey @Neha, 

Puppet is that product and also the name of the company who wrote this language.

Puppet master is an installation of puppet where puppet code is compiled. Here is where the SSL certificates are verified and signed.

Puppet server is an application that runs on JVM on puppet master. It provides catalog compiler.

answered Mar 12, 2019 by krishti
0 votes


  • Puppet: Refers to the product Puppet, the language Puppet, the entire Puppet ecosystem, and also the name of the company that wrote the software.

  • Puppet Master: A Puppet Master is an installation of Puppet where Puppet code is compiled, and also where SSL certs are verified and signed. Also known as a "Compile Master". In a "monolithic" Puppet Master installation in Puppet Enterprise, the Puppet Master also runs the Puppet Console and PuppetDB. In a "split" installation, the Master, Console, and PuppetDB functionality run on different nodes.

  • Puppet Server: The Puppet Server is an application that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the Puppet Master. In addition to hosting endpoints for the certificate authority service, it also powers the catalog compiler, which compiles configuration catalogs for agent nodes, using Puppet code and various other data sources.

answered Dec 31, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

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