What kind of query does DynamoDB support

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I am new to DynamoDB and found it interesting, the NoSQL property is what I liked, I am unable to figure out the types of Query that DynamoDB supports, can anyone help me?
Mar 11, 2019 in AWS by Dushyant

1 answer to this question.

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Amazon DynamoDB supports GET/PUT operations by the help of a user-defined primary key. The primary key is the only required attribute for items in a table and it uniquely identifies each item.

A primary key can either be a single-attribute partition key or it can be a composite partition-sort key. A single attribute partition primary key can be explained as, for example, “UserID”. By the help of UserID one can quickly read and write data for an item associated with a given user ID.

A composite partition-sort key is indexed as a partition and a sort key element. For example, a composite partition-sort key could be a combination of “UserID” (partition) and “Timestamp” (sort). Holding the partition key element constant, user can search across the sort key element to retrieve the required items.

Hope you got a brief idea about the types of query that are supported by DynamoDB. You must keep this in mind that, you can write your queries based on these two key methods.
answered Mar 11, 2019 by Esha Gupta

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