Which one among the both MapRed and MapReduce is considered better to create a Hadoop job

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It is known to every Hadoop engineer that a Hadoop job can be created using both MapReduce and MapRed. MapReduce was considered to be an advanced version but in recent days the tables have changed. so, tell me which is better, MapRed or MapReduce.  

Mar 7, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by ravi
• 220 points

2 answers to this question.

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Both MapRed and MapReduce different  APIs but the functionality of both the APIs is almost the same. The one and only major difference being that the old API was capable of pushing records to mapper/reducer. Though there are a few advancements in MapReduce which might be lacking in MapRed which enabled the upgrade of Hadoop version 2

answered Mar 8, 2019 by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points
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The new API is cleaner and faster. The old API was deprecated but after a while, it got reverted. Which API is better to use depends on your tasks. I suggest you use the new API wherever possible because it is optimized. But in some cases where you might want to classes like MultipleTxtOutputFormatwhich is not present in the new API. In such cases, you can use the old API. 

answered Mar 11, 2019 by Omkar
• 69,220 points

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