Which is better Azure Blob or Azure Table

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I am using about 300 million text files, most of them ranging from 50kb to 100kb that I need to read and serve on a web page. I have two options:

  • On Azure Table, I will have to split some of the text files, to make sure it doesn't exceed the maximum of 64kb per column.

  • On Azure Blob, I would not have the problem of splitting, but would need to store a reference to them on the Azure SQL/Azure Table.

Now the question is if my Azure Web App would be faster to read the text file from Azure Blob or from Azure Table?

Mar 5, 2019 in Azure by datageek
• 3,090 points

1 answer to this question.

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The best solution is blob storage with a table service or even a sql database to store reference. Blob storage is better then Table storage if you want to work with files.

answered Mar 5, 2019 by Archana
• 5,640 points

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