Selection of RPA tools

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What parameters should be kept in mind while choosing the RPA tool and how to decide which tool is best to use?
Mar 5, 2019 in RPA by Rakshit

1 answer to this question.

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Hi @Rakshit, that's a very good question because its really important to keep in mind how you want to use RPA or which tasks you will be going to automate. So before selecting any RPA tool keep in mind the following parameters:

  • Tool should be Easy to work on, as the majority of people using the automation doesn't necessarily be from technical background and has no programming knowledge. They should be able to configure the workflow or tasks in the tool.
  • Tool should be flexible enough to accommodate basic process automation with built in extendable commands, wizards and GUIs.
  • Whether it requires a dedicated automation environment or can be used through cloud and virtual machines (using Orchestrators)?
  • Whether this tool allow multiple robots executing multiple workflows?
  • Tool needs to be reliable and robust of the automation framework on which it is built.
  • First look for your business or project requirement, then choose the RPA tool. Don’t just pay for fancy features like AI, OCR if you are not going to use them in near future
  • Should have enough extensions and libraries to perform and integrate various tasks like pdf or excel file readings etc.
  • Find a tool that fulfills your current requirement, but has the ability to cater to your foreseeable future requirements.
  • Tool which allows you to configure custom features without having to pay extra for customization to the vendor.
  • A tool that supports multiple platforms (different operating systems) for the bots.
  • A tool that provide ROI (Return of Investment) dashboard for business justification.

To know more about RPA, it is recommended to join the RPA Course or RPA Developer Certification course today.

answered Mar 5, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points

edited Jun 28, 2023 by Khan Sarfaraz

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