Jenkins status active exited coming after the installation of Jenkins on my local system

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I am trying to install Jenkins on my ubuntu machine. I did all the steps which were required to install it. But after the installation, I started Jenkins and then checked the status of Jenkins.

$service jenkins start

$systemctl status Jenkins

And the output coming is like

Jenkins status active(exited) 

I don't know why it is exiting. I tried running the application at 8080. It was unable to access that port address.

Can anyone help me with this?


Feb 12, 2019 in DevOps & Agile by Damon Salvatore
• 5,980 points
Did you get the solution of the issue, i am also facing the same issue.

Make sure you have openjdk installed in your system. Jenkins internally connects openjdk.

2 answers to this question.

0 votes

I think that you are having some firewall related issues.

Try running below commands.

$sudo ufw enable

Check the status of the firewall by using the below command.

$sudo ufw status

It will show the firewall status as enable and active.

Now allow access to port 8080 by using below command.

$sudo ufw allow 8080

Now restart your Jenkins server and check the status.

$service jenkins restart

$systemctl status jenkins

You will get output like below.

jenkins status active(running)

Try accessing the 8080 port now.

I hope that it will resolve your query.


answered Feb 12, 2019 by Shubham
• 1,000 points
I have performed the steps mentioned above.Firewall status is enable and active. When I restart the Jenkins service it still says exited.
Can you tell the steps you've followed to install Jenkins?
0 votes

This might possibly be a memory issue sometimes.Linux kernel's oom-killer ("out-of memory killer") killed your JVM. It sends a SIGKILL signal to selected processes if the physical memory is no longer sufficient to accomodate all processes. Check that output of journalctl for lines containing the string oom-killer to confirm.

 Linux does not impose restrictions on the amount of virtual memory that a process requests (so your JVM can easily allocate 2 GiB of RAM on a 512 MiB system). However, if the process starts actually using the allocated memory (in your case: amount of used heap grows), then the kernel may find that the amount of physical memory is no longer sufficient. This is the point where the oom-killer will select a promising candiate process to be killed. Jenkins, as a non-system process that consumes a lot of memory, has very good chances to be the one that will be killed.

You could try these:

  • adding more physical memory to your system

  • reducing JVM memory settings (e.g., smaller heap)

answered Aug 5, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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