When I create public getters committed code my contract exceeds code size limit

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I am pushing JSONs received from various services in the contract as well as final quote/price. The contract doesn't calculate anything, it just records every step of the pricing workflow unique to a primary customer.
The issue is that the data structures are large and I need all the info in the ledger. However, I can't do automatic public getter as it cannot accommodate more than 7 items in structure.
When I create public getters (committed code), my contract exceeds the code size limit. What should be my solution?


Dec 31, 2018 in Blockchain by slayer
• 29,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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Are you pushing info one by one or in a batch? I suggest you to push in a batch to reduce the amount of gas charged, in doing so you need to store the transactions temporary in a DB (MYSQL DB) and then push the same into Blockchain. Pushing info into ledger then gets easy, call web3 API and push the info that's it.

answered Dec 31, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points

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