What is an Object

+1 vote

An instance of a class is called object. The object has state and behavior.

Whenever the JVM reads the “new()” keyword then it will create an instance of that class.

Dec 24, 2018 in Java by preetiagarwal
• 170 points
So what is the confusion here @Preeti?

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote
Hey @preetiagarwal, your description is an answer on its own.

Defining it in a more elaborate way.

Obejct is a combination of data and procedures that works on your data. It has both state and behaviour.

The state of an object is stored in variables while functions display the object's behaviour.

Object are created from templates known as Class created by the help of "new" keyword.

Hope this definition helps.
answered Dec 24, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,090 points
0 votes
Think about it this way.

Animal is a Class.

Cat, Dog, Lion, Tiger are sub-class.

German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Bull Dog are Objects of Class Dog.

Hope you got this example @preetiagarwal.
answered Dec 24, 2018 by andrew

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