Message saying would you like to use a private library instead when trying to install a package

0 votes

I'm trying to install a package in R called epiR and the console opens this dialog for me.


what do i do ?

Nov 21, 2018 in Data Analytics by Ali
• 11,360 points

2 answers to this question.

0 votes
Your system does not contain a personal library where all the packages will be saved. When a dialog appears asking if you’d like to use a personal library instead, click on yes.
answered Nov 21, 2018 by Maverick
• 10,840 points
0 votes

This question appears if your user environment is restricted such as on a cooperate network. Opening [R] with administrative privileges will resolve the issue. 

So say no

On windows open [R] by right clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator"

answered Nov 4, 2019 by Goose
• 140 points
If this situation is continued, do i have to selet "Run as Administrator" every time?
Hi, There,

As a shortcut, holding Shift + Ctrl while double-clicking the file will also start the program.
thanks for replying me :D.

But what i wanted to know is don't repeating again this situation.

Could you please  tell me how to solve this situation?

Hey, @There,

Yes, it's possible to configure an app to always run as an administrator to save some unnecessary steps. if you are using Windows 10 and to set a particular application to always run as an administrator, use these steps:

  • Open Start.
  • Search for the app that you want to run elevated.
  • Right-click the top result, and select Open file location.
  • Right-click the app shortcut and select Properties.
  • Click on the Shortcut tab.
  • Click the Advanced button.
  • Check the Run as administrator option.
  • Click the OK button.
  • Click the Apply button.

And if you are using any other Windows then let me know if you face any other problem.

Hope this helps.

thank you for your kindness!

your method was really helpful :D

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