Unable to find my device running Win 10 IoT on the WindowsIoTCoreWatcher exe

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My Raspberry Pi is running on the Win 10 IoT Core and is connected to the web through Ethernet. I'm able to ping my device as well. Now, I've connected through Powershell and changed admin password. And, I can connect to my device's web-based interface through http://ip:8080. But, no matter what I do, WindowsIoTCoreWatcher.exe just does not show my device on its list. I've tried using the Refresh button and also tried running as admin. But still, nothing. How can I fix this? And, supposing issue happens to be with the watcher, is there a way to check for any instance of the watcher running on my device? TIA!
Nov 20, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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There must be a process on your device located in the following path : C:\Windows\System32\ebootpinger.exe.
And, the WindowsIoTCoreWatcher is supposed to listen for UDP broadcasts sent by this process every five seconds. Unfortunately, it's been reported common for this process to die or stop broadcasting. Most likely when your device hasn't been rebooted for a long time.

But, you can restart it with this PowerShell command (e.g. in a remote interactive session):

Start-Process ebootpinger.exe
answered Nov 20, 2018 by DataKing99
• 8,250 points

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