Deploy my Windows 10 IOT core application locally

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Can I debug my Windows 10 IoT application by running it with my regular Windows 10 Installation Kernel? It is a C# app I developed on the Visual Studio and I've been trying to deploy it to my Raspberry Pi 3.
So, even after setting its architecture from ARM to the x64 CPU on my system, I have been getting the following error repeatedly upon attempting a debug session:

Also, I can't seem to find the "Embedded Mode"! I've even checked the group policy for anything that could point me the right direction.
Please tell me if I'm missing something or if I have to add some package manually or just anything at all that can help.

Jul 17, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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Of course, you, can! That is, in fact, the best way to work with Windows IoT Core Applications, you can create and deploy it locally upon the Visual Studio running on your local machine or system. Now, the reason why you've been facing issues is probably because you couldn't find and enable the "Embedded Mode" windows service. Here, I'm enclosing a screenshot that'll make it easier for you to find and enable the service.

With that in order, things should pretty much start working smoothly for you. Also, make sure if the processing architecture of your local machine is x64 or x86.

answered Jul 17, 2018 by nirvana
• 3,130 points

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