In Docker for windows how does communication between linux and windows containers work

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I’m using RabbitMq for .net core based and few full fx microservices communication. RabbitMq and .net core microservices are inside of a linux based docker container and they are connected to the same network in a docker-compose file.

.Net core microservices can easily connect to RabbitMq by using container name as a hostname.

Now, when it comes to windows-based containers the network is not shared between windows and linux docker engines, so I can't connect windows based microservices to the RabbitMq service by using container name.

Can someone help me out with this issue?
Nov 9, 2018 in Docker by Sophie may
• 10,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can create a host file in such a way that the IP of the RabbitMQ Docker container is set to a name. An example is, with Docker Toolbox you can put the this in host: docker

Now every developer can set the IP and the docker-compose could use the name.

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answered Nov 9, 2018 by Sophie may
• 10,620 points

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