Hyperledger fabric curl not working to invoke chaincode

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I have the next problem: Curl is not working When i want to use the Rest api to call my chaincode. I checked the ip of my peers via docker inspect. The docker yaml file mentions the Port of the peer. If I enter :curl ip:port/chain, i get error connection reset By peer. Any idea maybe??? I can log into the cli container and Run peer chaincode commands successfully. Something seems to be wrong when I try rest. My network is based on the example first network as peovided By hyperledger docs.

Oct 23, 2018 in Blockchain by sabby
• 4,390 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hyperledger Fabric does not offer a REST API natively. As noted, it uses gRPC for all interactions with the outside world.

However, Hyperledger Composer does have a means of generating and exposing a REST API for your application using Loopback/OpenAPI (Swagger) that you can then call from your client application (or expose as a web client). Further, there is work being done on developing a REST service sdk for Fabric.

While neither of these is mature, yet, the Composer option is more mature than the sdk, and is likely to be more relevant to your application.

answered Oct 23, 2018 by Perry
• 17,100 points

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