Is there any way to check which Hadoop daemons are running

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How can I check if Hadoop daemons are running? Is there any command?

I just want to check if my Hadoop is setup correctly or not. So, I want to check if namemonode/datanode/jobtracker/tasktracker are running on my machine.

Is there any way to check it without looking into logs or using ps(on Centos)?
May 4, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by kurt_cobain
• 9,390 points

9 answers to this question.

0 votes

To check Hadoop daemons are running or not, what you can do is just run the jps command in the shell.

You just have to type 'jps' (make sure JDK is installed in your system). It lists all the running java processes and will list out the Hadoop daemons that are running.

Alternatively, you can use the following command:

ps -ef | grep hadoop | grep -P  'namenode|datanode|tasktracker|jobtracker'


./hadoop dfsadmin -report

You can also check if the daemons are running or not through their web ui.

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answered May 4, 2018 by nitinrawat895
• 11,380 points
0 votes

will show all the running daemons

answered Dec 7, 2018 by Shekhar
0 votes
ps -ef | grep hadoop | grep -P  'namenode|datanode|tasktracker|jobtracker'
./hadoop dfsadmin -report
answered Dec 7, 2018 by Yadgiri
0 votes
You can use the web interface to check which daemons are running
answered Dec 7, 2018 by Kalis
0 votes

Here's another way:

sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -report

answered Dec 7, 2018 by Sieka
0 votes

Not a good method but a possible one:

for service in /etc/init.d/hadoop-hdfs-*; do $service status; done;
answered Dec 7, 2018 by Faruk
0 votes
hdfs dfsadmin -report
answered Dec 7, 2018 by Idaje
+1 vote

use jps command, It will show all the running java process with their name.

answered Dec 27, 2018 by Rakesh
• 160 points
But in Screenshot datanode, jobtracker etc., are not shown. I want to check if those services are running or not.
0 votes
run thecommand jps
answered Mar 20, 2019 by anonymous

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