How do I undo something in Power BI

+2 votes
Hey, so I've recently started using power bi and i've made a mistake. I was wondering how to undo a report. As far as I remember its ctr+z but not sure. I know its probably a dumb question but I'm a noob at it as of now.

Also can I edit the data that i'm using to make the report before loading it onto power BI?
Oct 15, 2018 in Power BI by lina
• 8,220 points

2 answers to this question.

+2 votes

To undo your last action or last few actions, press CTRL+Z.

Click on get data option on the top left and you'll get a drop down menu, Select the type of data you'll be using. In my case I chose Excel.

Once you've selected the data you can edit before you load it onto power BI. Its always a good practice to edit the data make the report only for required/filtered data.

answered Oct 15, 2018 by Hannah
• 18,540 points
+1 vote

Hi Lina,

It depends what you are trying to Undo in Power BI.

If you are  trying to undo Reports or Dashboards on Power BI a simple undo operation using CTRL+Z.

If you are trying to do some changes in the power query editor its much more simpler as all the changes made to your data are saved as steps on the right hand side and you can remove or add steps according to your convenience.

If you started using the Power BI tool recently, Power BI Training will help you to master its concepts and get hands-on experience of this tool.

answered Oct 17, 2018 by Machdata
• 340 points
Good and clear explanation.
What if i made the change in Formula bar - which breaks follow on steps, how can i undo those changes?

Thanks in advance

Deepak, do you mean to edit the formula in the formula bar??

You can click on a small icon present next to each step on the right-side pane in Power Query Editor.

Or click on the formulae in the formula bar and use CTRL+Z normally.

Else check it out here.

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