Migrate power bi collection to power bi embedded

+2 votes

I tried to follow the article to migrate power bi collection to power bi embedded using this article, but got stuck.

For example, in our app, we use these nuget packages (Microsoft.PowerBI.Api and powerbi.core), and these are some of our usages:

client.Reports.GetReportsAsync(this.workspaceCollection, this.workspaceId)
client.Reports.DeleteReportAsync(this.workspaceCollection, this.workspaceId, report.Id);
client.Imports.PostImportFileWithHttpMessage(this.workspaceCollection,this.workspaceId,File.OpenRead(localPath), "Main Report");
client.Datasets.GetGatewayDatasourcesAsync(workspaceCollection, workspaceId, dataset.Id);
client.Datasets.GetDatasetsAsync(workspaceCollection, workspaceId);

I can download all reports and move to power BI embedded, but as workspace collection will be retired, will we still be able to use above methods? If not, are there any alternative functions to use?

Sep 18, 2018 in Power BI by lina
• 8,220 points

2 answers to this question.

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Best answer

I agree with Kalgi, this method is not used anymore. You can call the REST API instaed. 

REST API: It's a REST-based API that provides programmatic access to Dashboard resources such as Datasets, Tables, and Rows in Power BI. It provides service endpoints for embedding, administration, and user resources.

The Power BI REST API has the following operations:

  • Dataset operations: Get and create Datasets.
  • Table operations: Get Tables and update Table schema.
  • Row operations: Add Rows and Delete Rows.
  • Group operations: Get Groups.

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answered Oct 11, 2018 by Hannah
• 18,570 points

selected Oct 11, 2018 by Kalgi
0 votes

This method cannot be used anymore,

You can use the REST API instead, its very similar and efficient.

To learn more about power bi REST API follow this link.

answered Sep 18, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,360 points

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