in a variable name in Java

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I am a beginner in Java. While looking at the naming conventions for variables it was mentioned that we can use "$" symbol in the variable name. Along with it, there was this line which said 

"Java does allow the dollar sign symbol $ to appear in an identifier, but these identifiers have a special meaning, so you should not use the $ symbol in your identifiers."

So can someone explain what is the special meaning behind $ symbol?

Oct 10, 2018 in Java by 93.lynn
• 1,600 points

1 answer to this question.

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Java compiler uses "$" symbol internally to decorate certain names.

For Example:

public class demo {
    class test {
        public int x;

    public void myTrial () {
        Object obj = new Object () {
            public String toString() {
                return "hello world!";

Compiling this program will produce three .class files:

  • demo.class, containing the main (outer) class demo
  • demo$test.class, containing the named inner class demo.test
  • demo$1.class, containing the anonymous inner class (local to method demo.myTrial)

The javac uses $ in some automatically-generated variable names for the implicitly referencing from the inner classes to their outer classes.​

answered Oct 10, 2018 by code.reaper12
• 3,500 points

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