Server connection to iot device

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I am working on IoT project, and I should keep the embedded device to be connected with a web-service. So, which is better, requesting the webservice every 1 or 2 seconds, or opening a socket with the server to guarantee the real time operations.

Taking into Consideration that working with sockets, may require me to write a lot of bunches of codes, as there's no frameworks for socket over ARM for example.

Oct 3, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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It depends on the kind of socket, but in the usual cases it is better to keep the socket unless you have very limited resources.

  • UDP is connectionless, that is you create the socket and there is no delay because of connection setup when sending a packet. But there are still system calls involved and allocating memory etc, so it is cheap but not free.
  • TCP instead needs to establish the connection before you can even start to sending data. How fast this is done depends on the latency, i.e. fast on local machine, slower in local network and even slower on the internet. Also, connection start slowly because the available bandwidth is not known yet.
  • With SSL/TLS on top of TCP connection setup is even more expensive because it needs more round trips between client and server.

In summary: If you are using TCP you almost always better keep the socket open and close it only if you lack the necessary resources to keep it open. A good compromise is to close the socket as long as you have enough activity on the socket. This is the approach usually done with HTTP persistent connections.

answered Oct 3, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,280 points

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