MQTT Connection lost on MQTT subscriber to Internet of Things Server

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Currently writing a Java application to publish/subscribe to the Internet of Things MQTT server using the Eclipse Paho Lib (org.eclipse.paho.client.mqtt3-1.0.2.jar), both on Device and Application side.

Connect works well with both credential types, and the same seems to be the publish... What gives me the error is the subscribe:

Trying it by mosquitto_sub command line, it looks like this.

Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending CONNECT
Client a:u5o0ux:tws received CONNACK
Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: matteo, QoS: 0)
Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending CONNECT
Client a:u5o0ux:tws received CONNACK
Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: matteo, QoS: 0)
Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending CONNECT
Client a:u5o0ux:tws received CONNACK
Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 3, Topic: matteo, QoS: 0)
Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending CONNECT
Client a:u5o0ux:tws received CONNACK
Client a:u5o0ux:tws sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 4, Topic: matteo, QoS: 0)

and so on.

When I try with java with a MqttAsyncClient, the subcribe() method returns, but then the waitForCompletion() method instantly follows.

Connection lost (32109) -

My code goes like this.

String tmpDir = System.getProperty("");
MqttDefaultFilePersistence dataStore = new MqttDefaultFilePersistence(tmpDir); 


// Construct a non blocking MQTT client instance
client = new MqttAsyncClient(getMQTTBrokerURL(), clientId, dataStore);

// Set this wrapper as the callback handler

and then:



IMqttToken subToken = client.subscribe(topic, qos, null, null);

Also, this error makes sure that the lib does not release the persistence path used by the AsyncClient, making it trow a "Persistence Already in Use" exception on every retry until I stop the JVM and manually clear that path, but I suppose this to be some sort of library bug.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to access the IoT-side mqtt server to realize what's going on in there.

Any ideas? 

Oct 3, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Upasana
• 8,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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An invalid topic "matteo" seems to be causing the problem.

For connecting to the IoT Foundation in Bluemix, you will need to follow the topic format as outlined in the IBM Internet of Things Foundation documentation here:

answered Oct 3, 2018 by Annie97
• 2,160 points

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