My data, which can have any number of rows, looks like this and I need to add up the sizes of all the openings on a building that aren't on walls:

The code looks like this and is a user defined function because I need to be able to re-arrange the Sheet without it breaking:
Public Function PermiabilityPercentage(CW, OW, Width, Height)
'This Function runs down a list of data that contains a notation for which wall an opening is on and the width and height of the door and using _
A cell with the comparative notation sums all of the area for openings where the notation matches and makes a percantage of total area with all of the openings.
'CW=Checking wall cell _
OW= Top cell of opening wall getting checked _
Width= top cell of the width of openings _
Height= top cell of the height of the openings
Dim DataRows As Integer
Dim TotalRows As Integer: TotalRows = OW.End(xlDown).Row
Dim Rowcnt As Integer
For Rowcnt = 0 To TotalRows Step 1
If OW.Offset(Rowcnt) <> "" _
DataRows = DataRows + 1
ElseIf OW.Offset(Rowcnt) = "" _
Exit For
End If
Next Rowcnt
Dim Row As Integer
Dim TotalArea As Integer
Dim TotalAreaOther As Integer
For Row = 0 To DataRows Step 1
If OW.Offset(Row) <> CW _
TotalAreaOther = TotalAreaOther + (Width.Offset(Row) * Height.Offset(Row))
End If
Next Row
PermiabilityPercentage = TotalAreaOther
Exit Function
'For Row = 0 To DataRows Step 1
' If OW.Offset(Row) = CW _
' Then
' TotalArea = TotalArea + (Width.Offset(Row) * Height.Offset(Row))
' End If
'Next Row
End Function
The section that is commented out operates flawlessly and is quite similar to the section that produces TotalAreaOther, which is what I was investigating. I consistently received the error. Although this isn't the code's intended result, I do need these amounts to be completed.
CW= A2
OW= A6
Width= D6
Height= E6
why does it keep giving me this error? all of the math should only be calculating numbers so I'm unsure why it is giving me a #VALUE! error.