Is there a way to transfer MSWord numbering bullets to MSExcel column

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I've been creating my question list in MS Word 2010 so far. These questions are arranged using numbering starting at 1 in a single MSWord document. the first inquiry, etc.

Could the contents of each bullet be transferred to an MSExcel cell, I wondered? I would therefore have a cell with 20 rows, each holding one question if I had 20 questions.

I want to import 300 questions into Excel, which is why I'm asking.
Nov 17, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,010 points

1 answer to this question.

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Your numbered bullets can be copied from Excel to Word and then divided using worksheet functions in Excel. However, using the built-in Excel commands makes it really simple.

In Word:

  • Increase the width on the hanging indent on your numbered list. It will make the conversion in Excel easier to deal with.
  • Select your bullets and copy them.

In Excel:

  • "Paste Special" the copied text into Excel using the Match Destination Formatting option.
  • Select the cells you pasted the bullets by the number of digits in the bullets (i.e., first do 1-9, then do 10-99, etc.)
  • With the cells selected, choose the Text to Columns command from the Data tab on the ribbon.
  • Make sure that the 'Fixed Width" radio box is selected on the dialogue box that comes up, then move to the next step.
  • Adjust the brake lines so that there are three fields: one with the number + period, another with the spaces between the numbers and text, and the third with the text.
  • Moving to the next step - select the second field (the spaces) and click the "Do not import column (skip) radio button.
  • Click finish and the bullets are imported.
I hope this helps you.
answered Nov 17, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,720 points

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