Convert word document to excel

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I need to turn a word document I have into a table. The catch is that the document has 1,000 pages, and each page must be entered into a separate cell in the excel sheet. I don't want each line to become a cell when I copy and paste from Word. I require that one cell contain the entire text that appears between two-page breaks.

To provide some context for the problem, let me say that I am trying to make a table because I basically need to create a CSV from a word file where each page represents one item.

Is it possible to automate this in some way?
Oct 23, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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n essence, I had to change the "pilcrow" characters in my file for line breaks and then reverse the process in Excel.

One crucial point, however: when updating rows in Excel, the author advises typing "alt+0010" (the key combination for a line break). That did not, however, work for me. However, pressing Ctrl+J causes a line break character to be inserted in the Excel replace box.
answered Oct 23, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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