Excel Online Script for Message Boxes

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I'm in the process of automating all of my VBA scripts in Excel Online. Has anyone been successful in automating MsgBox from Excel Online to VBA?

such as MsgBox "Some Text"

I'm giving users the option to choose my code from buttons. The only way someone will currently see a created message is if they choose "View Logs" to view messages from a console, despite the fact that I'm attempting to make my code as user-friendly as possible. log("Some Text") ("Some Text"). I'm just trying to make sure that messages are received so that I won't be inundated with inquiries as to why something didn't work or didn't do what it was intended to. Even though it did run smoothly, they still need to fix the message and run it again. Messages could be something as basic as "Date not entered correctly" or "Data not updated." Please relaunch after updating ".
Nov 7, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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Use "throw" followed by your text to cause a message to appear when someone executes an automation script in Excel Online. According to what I've read, this will even transmit the message as high as MS Flow.

I hope this helps you.
answered Nov 7, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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