How to run the table function in R across multiple variables and compile the results into a new dataset using a function

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Any suggestions as to how I can automate this process for several more variables?
Jun 13, 2022 in Others by Avinash
• 1,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Your b effort would be a good place to start because it was so near. If you remove the class "table" from tables, I believe the only reason you are reshaping is because of data.frame(table(), which you don't need to do.

Additionally, I would attempt to finish all of the function's processing for a single variable, such as adding headers, labels, etc. In this manner, you may verify that your function does what you want it to do on a single variable before beginning the loop over all variables.

# (b) myfxn — function (x, header = "variable" y = vcat = rownames(y), y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE; y = unclass(table(x, df$cat)) colnames(y) = gsub('d', ", colnames(y));
y) = rbind(c(header, rep(", ncol(y) - 1)), y)

myfxn(df$v1) # vcat low med high # 1 variable # an a 1 0 0 # b b 1 1
answered Jun 24, 2022 by Sohail
• 3,040 points

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