Ordering by the order of values in a SQL IN clause

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I have 2 queries, one that gets all of the IDs and the second that retrieves all the information. The first creates the order of the IDs which I want the second to order by. The IDs are put in an IN() clause in the correct order.

So it'd be something like:

SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE ... ORDER BY display_order, name

SELECT name, description, ... WHERE id IN ([id's from first])

the second query does not return the results in the same order that the IDs are put into the IN() clause.

One solution I have found is to put all of the IDs into a temp table with an auto incrementing field which is then joined into the second query

I am using MySQL.

Jun 6, 2022 in Others by polo
• 1,480 points

1 answer to this question.

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Use MySQL FIND_IN_SET function:

    FROM table_name 
   WHERE id IN (..,..,..,..) 
ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET (coloumn_name, .., .., ..);
answered Jun 6, 2022 by nisha
• 2,210 points

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