Can not create gcp instance from machine image in a different project

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I have two GCP projects, projectA and projectB. In projectB, I have a machine image B-machine-image. My goal was to make a copy of the machine image in projectA. But since there is no way to copy the machine image from projectB to projectA directly, I thought I can create a instance in projectA using the machine image in projectB, then use the new instance in projectA to create a machine image locally.

I found a Google Doc for this: and followed the steps to first grant the service account in projectA admin role to the machine image B-machine-image in projectB, then run the command to make the instance like:

gcloud beta compute instances create my-new-instance --project=projectA --zone us-central1-b --source-machine-image projects/projectB/global/machineImages/B-machine-image --service-account

and I am getting the error:

ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.instances.create) Could not fetch resource:

  • Invalid value for field 'resource.networkInterfaces[0].network': 'projects/123456789000/global/networks/projectB-vpc'. The referenced network resource cannot be found.

In projectB, I do have a VPC called projectB-vpc.

What I do not understand is that in "projects/123456789000/global/networks/projectB-vpc", 123456789000 seems is for projectA as it is part of the email for projectA service account, while projectB-vpc is for projectB. In my command I have "projects/projectB/....", why the command replaced "projectB" with 123456789000?

Any idea where did I do wrong?

Apr 7, 2022 in Cloud Computing by Rahul
• 3,380 points

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