AWS Is there a way I can edit files in S3 right away in the browser

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Currently I have my website on S3, I wish to update my information but for that I am forced to make changes offline and then upload the data. Can’t I do this in the browser?

Do we have text editors for this?

May 18, 2018 in Cloud Computing by brat_1

1 answer to this question.

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There is not currently an AWS-supported method of editing an S3 file within the browser.

Try using:

It is using HTTPS so your connection is secure and it works without saving any of your keys (it has an option to save it to your browser localStorage). There is no session that it keeps your keys so it sends your keys with every request for one time use.

answered Jun 19, 2018 by Meci Matt
• 9,460 points

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