GCP pricing API does not have data for compute instances like N2 M2 C1

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Problem: Currently we are using the price calculator API from Google to calculate the estimated cost for GCP compute instances. But as observed it does not have the data for N2, M2, C1, etc. instances. As suggested from google we tried the billing catalog API and found that still, data was missing for the N2, M2 & c1 instances. And Catalog API is very dense and is not very developer-friendly

Can we get any official working API from google to calculate the pricing for these compute instances?

Existing API which does not have the N2, M2 & C1 instances data: https://cloudpricingcalculator.appspot.com/static/data/pricelist.json

New API from google for catalog billing using the SKU id:


here 6F81-5844-456A is the SKU id for compute engines

Mar 30, 2022 in GCP by Rahul
• 3,380 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can check the list of available configurations here 

N2 data is available through the API 

C1 type is not available, API or otherwise 

To obtain the pricing of M2 you have to request a quota.


answered Apr 6, 2022 by Korak
• 5,820 points

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