Write formula to Excel with Python

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I am in the process of brain storming how to best tackle the below problem. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Sample Excel sheet columns:

Column A  |  Column B  | Column C
Apple     |  Apple     |
Orange    |  Orange    |
Pear      |  Banana    |

I want Excel to tell me whether items in column A and B match or mismatch and display results in column C. The formula I enter in column C would be =IF(A1=B1, "Match", "Mismatch")

On excel, I would just drag the formula to the rest of the cells in column C to apply the formula to them and the result would be:

Column A  |  Column B  | Column C
Apple     |  Apple     | Match
Orange    |  Orange    | Match
Pear      |  Banana    | Mismatch

To automate this using a python script, I tried:

import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('test.xlsx')
Sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
for cellObj in Sheet.columns[2]:
    cellObj.value = '=IF($A$1=$B$1, "Match", "Mismatch")

This wrote the formula to all cells in column C, however the formula only referenced cell A1 and B1, so result in all cells in column C = Match.

Column A  |  Column B  | Column C
Apple     |  Apple     | Match
Orange    |  Orange    | Match
Pear      |  Banana    | Match

How would you handle this?

Mar 28, 2022 in Database by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes
Using python to add formulas to an excel spreadsheet =VLOOKUP(B3|"Settlement Info"! =SUMIFS("Payment and Fees"! $B$2:$R$2199|17|FALSE) $B$2:$R$2199|17|FALSE) $B$2:$R$2199|17|FALSE) $B$ "Payment and Fees"! $I$2:$I$6445 $B$2:$B$6445|Summary! B3) $
=+E3-F3-G3-I3. \s=IF(AND(I3>0|I3-N3>=-0.1|I3-N3<=0.1)|"Yes"|"No")

If I continue, the sheet will open with a 0 in the field.

import from xlsxwriter.workbook Workbook

Workbook('test.xlsx') = Workbook('test.xlsx') = Workbook('test.xlsx'
workbook.add worksheet('Summary') = worksheet
worksheet.write formula
('A2','=VLOOKUP(B3,"Settlement Information")!

answered Mar 31, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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