These techniques can add a running column of numbers or create numbers up to a certain limit.
Serial Numbers for the Rows
Row numbers, which operate as a serial identifier for the data, are included by default in spreadsheets.
If you don't want to use serial numbers for filtering or anything else, row headers are a better option.

Other than these you can use this method as well
Fill Series To Add Serial Numbers Automatically
Let's imagine you want to automatically number rows up to 10,000 or 100,000 in a single operation.
Fill handle is a hassle, but you can use fill series to get a column containing serial numbers all at once.
The steps are as follows.
Select the cell where you want your serial numbers to begin and type "1" into it.
Go to the editing fill series tab on the main tab now.
Perform the following in the series window:
Column = Series In
Stop Value = 10000 (or whatever you want up to) Step Value = 1
After that, press OK.