Difference between AWS EBS EC2 S3

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I am new to Amazon AWS, and find these terms confusing. What's the difference between EBS, EC2 and S3?
Mar 23, 2022 in Others by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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S3 vs. Amazon S2 Amazon offers two different file storage services: S3 (Simple Storage Service) and EBS (Elastic Block Store). What separates them is what they can be utilised for. EBS is only available if it is mounted to an EC2 instance. However, S3 is not restricted to EC2. HTTP protocols, as well as BitTorrent, can be used to retrieve files from an S3 bucket. Because S3 is accessible to HTTP clients, such as web browsers, many websites store the majority of their files there.

When it comes to total storage capacity, S3 continues to be the winner. The normal limit for EBS is 20 volumes, each of which can carry up to 1TB of data. The standard limit for S3 is 100 buckets, each of which has an infinite data capacity. Users of S3 don't have to worry about filling buckets; the sole problem is having enough buckets.
answered Mar 25, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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