How to automate AWS Elastic Transcoder Jobs for s3 buckets

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What I want: To add watermarks to all video files that are uploaded to the S3 bucket (mov, mp4, etc.). Then overwrite the file with it's same name with the newly transcoded file that has the watermark on it.

So, I was able to manually do this by creating a pipeline and job with elastic transcoder, but this is manual. I want this done the moment a file is uploaded to the server, overwrite the file with the new file and boom.

One, this should be a feature already but not sure why it isnt.

And two, How can I have this automatically done? Any advise? I know its possible just not sure exactly where to start here

Mar 21, 2022 in Others by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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This article will walk you through uploading media files to S3 buckets and triggering a transcoding job that stores output files to another bucket using lambda functions. This can be used to make audio and video files of various quality and formats for customers to consume.

Make S3 Buckets on Amazon
Make two S3 buckets: one for uploading your media files and another for saving and distributing the transcoded files. If you wish to use the second bucket to distribute the files, it must be public. Choose a location that is closer to the majority of your visitors or customers. is where you may create buckets.

AWS Elastic Transcoder: Create a Pipeline
At, you can access the Elastic Transcoder console. Using the same region for your transcoder and S3 buckets could help you save money. Make a new Pipeline at this point. For input and output, choose the relevant buckets. As demonstrated in the screenshot below, grant All Users Open/Download permission to the transcoded files to make them publicly accessible.

AWS Elastic Transcoder Pipeline Creation

answered Mar 24, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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