How to use Azure DevOps Pipelines Machine File Copy Using Environments

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I need to move files from ADO to a VM. This VM is set up using "Environments" and tagged appropriately. I would like to copy those files to that VM using its environment name and tag. So far I've only found "Windows machine file copy" which requires storing a admin login. Is there a way to use the Environments instead of hardcoding a login?
Mar 15, 2022 in DevOps & Agile by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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The files are initially copied to an automatically produced Azure blob container before being downloaded into the VMs when the target is Azure VMs. Following the successful copy of the files to the VMs, the container is removed.

AzCopy, a command-line tool for copying data from and into Azure storage accounts, is used for this purpose. The Azure File Copy job uses AzCopy V10 in version 4 of the task.

Use the Azure Resource Group Deployment task to deploy Azure Resource Groups including virtual machines dynamically. A sample template for setting up the WinRM HTTPS protocol on virtual machines, opening the 5986 port in the firewall, and installing the test certificate is included in this assignment.

answered Mar 21, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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